Thursday, January 27, 2011

If I were in your shoes!!

In our day to day living, we meet many people who may be our friends, relatives, strangers, colleagues etc. We come across various incidents. But it is easy to view other people’s problems and difficulties as their issues. They have nothing to do with us and we think we never gonna be in that situations and feel better for being blessed. Are you sure about it? None of us really know that what future has stored in for us. Isn’t it? In our life we all take pain and joy thinking that creator has wished for it.

As we realized, that whatever comes to us has a meaning/purpose behind it and we have to go through such phase in our life. Why don’t we be more empathetic to those who suffer (homeless, handicap, abandoned, diseased, poor), who struggle with life’s challenges? Definitely we should be right? I hope many of you agree with this.

So, treat each person the way you would have wished to be treated if you were in that person's shoes.

P.S: Inspired by a mail.

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